Here is the list of Croatian surnames or family names that begin with the letter C (pronounced /ts/). By clicking letters of the alphabet on the right side of the screen, you can access other surnames. You can access more information about each surname by clicking on a particular surname listed on the right side of the screen or by choosing a surname (family name) from the drop down menu:
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I am looking for my great grandparents who lived in Spanovica at least from 1902 through 1907. Their names were Ferninand Brenc(? spelling) and wife Jujlana. My great aunt Anka was born there in 1902 and my grandmother Milka was born in 1906.
They separately immigrated to Granite City and Madison Il starting in 1911 with Milka being the last in 1922.
My family name is cenkovcan changed to cenkovich in the US.
Molim vas dodajte prezime Cajner / Please add the surname Cajner