Here is the list of Croatian surnames or family names that begin with the letter J (pronounced /j/). By clicking letters of the alphabet on the right side of the screen, you can access other surnames. You can access more information about each surname by clicking on a particular surname listed on the right side of the screen or by choosing a surname (family name) from the drop down menu:
Use the comment area (below) to post a surname which you think should be on the list, but isn’t.
Thank you for using the Directory of Croatian Surnames or Family Names! We update it on a regular basis, so please, come back soon!
Jadrosic with the appropriate diacritics above the c. Pronounced Yadrosich
Two names which need to go on the website are those of my ancestors who came to Australia in 1885
Juranić and Vičić
More information can be supplied
Many thanks
I notice that in Croatia the surname Jarkin is found but my question is, is it Croatian or a surname that immigrated into Croatia?
Surnames of Jakupak and Jakopak
My mothers surname was Janjanin. I was adopted and grew up knowing nothing of my heritage and would love to find out more.
Juratovac Left Zagreb Yugoslavia for Cleveland Ohio 1903
Pero Jemo arrived in New York from Konavle, south of Dubrovnik, in 1904. I found Jemo name on grave stone in celo of Kaomaje dated about 1280. Am interested in Jemo name’s origin.
My grandmother Mara Bradica mother is not on your list her name was Francis Jarnevic or Jarnjevic.
My great grandfather Aloj Juza came from Czech Republic to a place called Pakrani in Croatia where my grandfather Adolf Juza was born in 1935.
juranic; my third great grandmother was margarita “mare” juranic, wife of nicolaus/nikola potokar and mother of jure and petar potakar. supposedly, her father’s name was petar/petri but i cannot find out anything else. if anyone that has seen or heard these names would contact me it’d be much appreciated.
My grandmother was a Croat from Kulen. Her surname was Juranovich.