Here is the list of Croatian surnames or family names that begin with the letter S (pronounced /s/). By clicking letters of the alphabet on the right side of the screen, you can access other surnames. You can access more information about each surname by clicking on a particular surname listed on the right side of the screen or by choosing a surname (family name) from the drop down menu:
Use the comment area (below) to post a surname which you think should be on the list, but isn’t.
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Related to Uskoci.
Smircic with diacritics above both c’s. Pronounced Smircich or Smirchich.
Stefanic with a diacritic above the c. Pronounced Stefanich
Have you seen this name?
I am trying to trace my husband’s family.
Saric Struga and Ploce have these names.
Husband”s father was Anton or Ante Smoljan born in Otunj.
Smoljan name from Dalmatia
It’s probably not the same, but I’ve lived next door to a Smola for 30 years
Looking for records of my Grandfather’s Name : Stramat. I believe that immigration recorded it as Stramato.
Looking for information on Josef Seketa and Margaret Arlesic
I have some info and need more on the SUNTIC LINE from NOVA BUKOVICA
SACERIC/SACERICH (My father’s paternal grandfather’s last name).
Is there anything on this site for surnames:
Thank you.
Looking for info on our last name ‘Seigo’. We were always told seigo was a shortened version of something else. If it helps, the family was from Plandište. Thank you!!
Secan and Secen, both with caret diacritical marks over the c. Families near Lipnik. Also seen in US as Sachen and Sechan.
I have info that my grandfather, Marko (Mike) Sopp (Sop), born Aug. 28, 1886, immigrated here from Gornji Kosinj, Lika-Senj, Croatia (Yugoslavia), but can’t find any info for him from outside the USA–no parents, siblings, etc., no birth records, etc. –Only that he immigrated to the USA in 1906, age 20, as Marko Sop. He changed his first name here, later, to Michael, and his name has been spelled Sopp, here, in the USA. Can anyone help?
Please Studenovic surname from Potocani. It is my grandfather’s last name.
Looking for SUDAC. My grandfather , Marko Sudac was born in Yugovac area.
Need info on James Srakocic,Srakovcic, from Gorica by Ribnik
Srdoč is not registrated 🙁
Any information on a family named Sercer?
Spretnjak- from Petrovina/Jastrebarsko
I do not see Sop (Sopp). My “brick wall” is my grandfather who has in his USA documents that he was born 27 Aug 1889, in Gornji Kosinj, but Robert Jerin (USA Croatia FB) said he was born in Rudinka, Doni Kosinj. I can’t find ANY information about him in Croatia (Yugoslavia, then). I would like more details about him and his family and ancestors. BTW Ales Kuretic is my 6th cousin once removed (on my Mother’s mother’s side–Slovenian). Marko was my mother’s father (Croatian).
Looking for information on Skaramuča (Antone, Baldo, Mato)
I was wondering if you had any more information about SINTIC? I noticed it is not on the list. Family from Zagreb and Gornja Vas, Samobor.
SKORPANIC (with diacritical mark over the c) is our surname, from Otok Olib
Stanphel, from Brlog, Lika-Senj
I am trying to locate information on my paternal grandfather (Richard Domenick Stefaney). His immigration certificates show that he was from Miholašćica and that he was born on 19 April 1896. His surname may have been modified.
Another relative spells the surname as “Stefanich”. His name was Anthony Jacob Stefanich (Born 25 July 1892). I believe he was Richard’s brother.
Other relatives include Cosmo Stefaney (Born 17 December 1888) and John A. Stefaney born (27 April 1883).
Any help on finding out about our family heritage, name and family lineage would be greatly appreciated.
SRAKA or SZVAKA from Zagreb area, any info?
Šerić from Bilaj, Gospic.