Here is the list of Croatian surnames or family names that begin with the letter V (pronounced /v/). By clicking letters of the alphabet on the right side of the screen, you can access other surnames. You can access more information about each surname by clicking on a particular surname listed on the right side of the screen or by choosing a surname (family name) from the drop down menu:
Use the comment area (below) to post a surname which you think should be on the list, but isn’t.
Thank you for using the Directory of Croatian Surnames or Family Names! We update it on a regular basis, so please, come back soon!
The last name Visosevic appears on several entries at Ancestry,
.com My husband’s paternal great-grandmother was Anna Visosevic perhaps from Kalje. She was married to Petar Jelenic. There are others in the US immigration records with this same last name. I would like to know if this is in fact a discrete name or a variation of a different surname. Thank you for all of you genealogy work.
Our surname is Veselica which became Veseliza in the USA. We are from istra croatia specifically from labin.
Also the name bratovic and Fabac which were on my mothers side. She is also from istra but more from the Porec side
I have just seen your post from 20 Nov 2014. My husband’s family are from Istra and specifically, have the name Fabac or Fabaz in their history. Are you interested in collaborating?
I would be happy for you to email me at the above address.
Hi, my surname is Vukosa. It comes from Zadar, Dalmacija. It is not on this list of names.
My maiden name is Vukonich. Close to others on the list but no exact match.
Hi my surname is Vunovich and I am looking for any information on a
Gentleman by the name of Iso or Tso Vujnovic who died in 1904 or 1905 could any one help me please? My Great Grandfather helped bury him in Kansas City, Kansas Stawberry Hill.
My name ic Chery Vrankovich, I would like to know where my roots are from outside of the US.
My surname is Viljevac. It’s not on the list.
Vujkovich, is old croatian surname but is not on the list – so far as I know it’s originated from Posavski Podgajci & Rajevo selo, Croatia (last entry is from late 18th century, record from parish book, Državni Arhiv, Osijek)….
Hello I would like to locate Vrisk family members living in Slovenia. Particular to Michael Vrisk and Anna Kenk. Micheal was born in 1904. Anna Kenk in 1913.
prezime vasilj?! vasilji su znameniti hrvatski rod sa starinom u zapadnoj herxegovini, u MEDJUGORJU! Nastli su od znamenitog srednjevjekovnog plemickog roda Sankovica zvanih Bogopankovici, gospodara Humske zemlje i Konavala
Viskića ima u Splitu Rabu i Gradcu.Približno nas ima oko 117 tog prezimena
I am on a very long journey to try and find my mother’s relatives. She was born Jun 1942 in Pula. At some point during WW2-she was sent to an orphanage (even thats difficult as she doesn’t remember where she was sent or what country )for a very long time until adopted in the US in 1951. I located her ship manifest and shows her last name as Varesco. As I understand, Pula was occupied by many my search has come up to very little as I am trying to understand the culture of Pula and how Italians lived there with their Italian names and migrations. I know that many people, when migrating to America or other countries changed their names slightly. With that..was her last name really Varesco? I want to find our relatives and know a side of our family missing. I have to say-this is quit overwhelming in trying to trace my mother’s roots.
My mother’s maiden name was Vancas, both parents came from Croatia. I do not see the name.
My great great grandfather’s name was translated to Willowatz but was pronounced like Vil-yeh-votz. I have his immigration record to USA but I want to learn more. I know his mother was taken by Nazis during WWII and she had renarried. I have no idea how to correctly spell his last name.