Croatian Female (Girls) Names that Begin with the Letter M

Croatian female girls names that begin with the letter MHere is the list of Croatian female or girls given names that begin with the letter M. The list can be found at the right side of the screen as well as at the bottom of the screen. Click on a particular female name and a new page with the information about that given name will be opened.

If you know a Croatian female name that begins with the letter M which is not included in the list, please, make a suggestion for inclusion by leaving your message in the comment section of this page. Thank you!

List of Croatian female (girls) given names that begin with the letter M:

5 Responses

  1. XY
    XY / 11-27-2014 / ·

    Milica. Common name in Prigorje; there are more than 1000 females with that name in Zagreb.

  2. Štefica rođ Sekulić udana Vajdić
    Štefica rođ Sekulić udana Vajdić / 2-28-2017 / ·

    Pozdrav, možete dodati vrlo popularna Mia i Mija

  3. Štefica rođ Sekulić udana Vajdić
    Štefica rođ Sekulić udana Vajdić / 2-28-2017 / ·

    Ima i Mirka, rjetko ,ali lijepo

  4. Marijen
    Marijen / 7-19-2017 / ·

    Marijen. Could this be a Croatian name? My mom pick it up from the telephone book, and our city (Punta Arenas, Chile) has a big amount of Croatians immigrants.

  5. Danijela Brekalo
    Danijela Brekalo / 4-23-2019 / ·

    I an not sure what your criteria is for picking these names, but most of the names listed are NOT Croatian names.Aside from including Turkish names and many many names that are from other European nations (Italian, French, German etc.) many of these “names” are fake names, since no sane Croatian parent would name their daughter after a river or “Mandarinka” which is a name of a fruit, not a girl’s name.

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