Croatian Male (Boys) Names that Begin with Letters D, Dž & Đ

Croatian male boys names that begin with the letter DCroatian male boys names that begin with the letter DŽCroatian male boys names that begin with the letter ĐHere is the list of Croatian male or boys given names that begin with letters D, Dž & Đ. The list can be found at the right side of the screen as well as at the bottom of the screen. Click on a particular male name and a new page with the information about that given name will be opened.

If you know a Croatian male name that begins with letters D, Dž & Đ which is not included in the list, please, make a suggestion for inclusion by leaving your message in the comment section of this page. Thank you!

List of Croatian male (boys) given names that begin with letters D, Dž & Đ:

One Response

  1. Waina
    Waina / 4-17-2017 / ·

    My father said his first name was “Dick”. I am assuming that was what he chose when he came to America.
    Dick Babich, born in Brod, Austria-Hungary 1892. Said he stowed away in 1907.

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