Here is the list of Croatian male or boys given names that begin with letters Z & Ž. The list can be found at the right side of the screen as well as at the bottom of the screen. Click on a particular male name and a new page with the information about that given name will be opened.
If you know a Croatian male name that begins with letters Z & Ž which is not included in the list, please, make a suggestion for inclusion by leaving your message in the comment section of this page. Thank you!
List of Croatian male (boys) given names that begin with letters Z & Ž:
Žao mi je , ali moram reći da ste na popisu muških imena potpuno pogriješili u 80 % , imena nisu hrvatska, neka su muslimanska, neka nikad čula ili su zapravo prezimena ili zemljopisni nadimci ( Posavko, Podravko ) itd., neka su talijanska, madžarska, srpska, puno svega što bi u Hrvatskoj bilo nemoguće nositi kao osobno ime. Provjerite Vaš izvor podataka…..