HANŽEK /hanzhek/
This web page contains information about Croatian surname or family name HANŽEK. Anyone who knows anything about the origin of this surname or about the history of HANŽEK family may leave the message in the comment section of this page. Thank you!
Frequency in population of Croatia: 1.159 (460th Most Frequent)
my Hanzek family originates in Marusevec and eventually ends up in/ near Dubrava. My grandfather Josip Hanzek marries Magda Kavich in Dubrava ~ 1908-1910. He arrives in new York in 1910 with Magda arriving with 2 children shortly afterwards. They settle in Cleveland after arriving and eventually move to Akron, Michigan to farm. I can trace the Hanzeks up a few generations in Marusevec but can not seem to find my great grandmother Kavich ( this name has been spelled many different ways Kovich, Kavach on different US forms ) Any suggestions with the Kavich family ( dubrava?? ) would be appreciated.