LEKIĆ /lekich/
This web page contains information about Croatian surname or family name LEKIĆ. Anyone who knows anything about the origin of this surname or about the history of LEKIĆ family may leave the message in the comment section of this page. Thank you!
Frequency in population of Croatia: 833 (739th Most Frequent)
My grandparents migrated to Australia in 1957 their names vinko and ivanka Lekic
MY Grandparents and father and two aunts emigrated to California in 1922 via Ellis Island ….Romolo Lechich Antonietta Zuvanich Lechich and children Romeo “George” Lechich, Rina Lechich, & Irma Lechich. They settled in Stockton Ca. and always spoke only Italian. They came from Lussin Piccolo, Italy (now Croatia) but that island was ruled by Italy until 1947. I would love any information you might give me.
Thank you,
Sally Lechich
My father Frank Lekich was born in Nerezine. He was born under Italy rule but his mother was born in the same house when Yugoslavia and grandmother born in the house when it was Austria and now it is Croatia. Still have relatives there but my father’s family came to NY with my grandfather having to become a US citizen living in the states 5 years before he could bring his family over so my father didn’t see his father from the time he was 2 or 3 until he was 8 years old and came to America. We live on the east end of Long Island now (North Shore).