Croatian Žumberak as a destination for Family History Research
A lightly inhabited teritory at the Northwest part of Croatia, žumberak is interesting for family history & genealogy research in many aspects, primarily because of it’s rich and diverse cultural heritage. The region is conveniently situated between Zagreb Metropolitan Area and the Croatian-Slovene border, and is known for it’s unparalleled natural beauties.
Predominantly of a Greek Catholic faith (which should not be confused with Greek Orthodox Church), local residents keep some of their long lasting traditions while closely associating and cooperating with their Roman Catholic neighboors. Although both Greek Catholics and Roman Catholics in Croatia consider themselves Croatians, they developed a unique distinction among themselves which are always friendly and warm in nature. Some Greek Catholics can also be found in the Slovenian side of the Croatian-Slovenian border, who consider themselves Slovenes.
Croatian Žumberak region consists of four Greek Catholic Parishes: Drage, Radatovići, Sošice and Stojdraga as well as five Roman Catholic Parishes: Vivodina, Kamanje, Žakanje, Žumberak and Oštrc. (For checking addresses and the contact info of those parishes, visit our Croatian Catholic Parishes Address Book.)
Most of vital records in this area are well preserved, but not microfilmed. So, in order to obtain data from those records, a genealogy researcher should either visit parishes themselves or hire a professional with the expertize in this area.
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Image: Andrejj, Wikimedia Commons
My grandparents were Ceic and Sajatovic. I would like to learn more about the families.
Hello! I have successfully researched the Church records of Zumberak and Ostrc on-line at Family in the last few years. The records available for Zumberak range from 1858-1912. Do you know if any years are available and not microfilmed? I still have interest in finding out more. A relative recently visited the area,but did not seek records in the Zumberak area, only in Zagreb. Thanks for your attention to my questions. Patricia Basic. Family Surnames Bernardich and Sinkovich.
Baš šteta! Upravo sam čitao komentare na ovoj stranici i vidio kako je ljudima moguće daleko, daleko lakše pretraživati matične knjige iz mnogo župa pa sam se poveselio da je i župa s podatcima o mom porijeklu, Župa sv. Marije Magdalene na Oštrcu zastupljena, no nažalost nije. Nadam se da je projekt digitalizacije još uvijek otvoren i da se na tomu radi. Svejedno svaka čast.
P.S: Ja sam inače od obitelji Kokot porijeklom iz zaselka “Kokoti” na Oštrcu. Ako mi netko može kako olakšati istragu neka mi se lijepo ga molim javi na mail-
Srdačan pozdrav!
My father originated from then Yugoslavia. His surname was Dujmovic. Would like to find out more
My father originated from then Yugoslavia. His surname was Dujmovic. I would like to find out more