Croatian Genealogy Research Tutorial

Tutorials on how to read old records

As we browsed through the web looking for resources that may be interesting to those who research Croatian genealogy, we encountered a great tutorial prepared by Mr. Tom Ninkovich.

In the tutorial, a series of instructions were given to those who are just starting their research and have very little or no experience in the field. Instructions are clear, well written, and easy to understand.

The tutorial is broken down into seven lessons, ranging from advices on how to collect names, making sure that the spelling is correct, how to use various sources of data on the internet, and the most interesting part is how to read sometimes illegible writings in birth, marriage & death records of Catholic Church.

Mr. Ninkovich’s tutorial is a wonderful material, that can greatly enhance your understanding of how to properly conduct genealogy research.

Links to lessons:

Intro page: Tutorials
Lesson 1: Finding the home village
Lesson 2: Finding the church
Lesson 3: Contacting the church
Lesson 4: Church records
Lesson 5: Reading the records
Lesson 6: Finding where in Croatia a village is located
Lesson 7: Addressing letters to Croatia