ŠPEHAR /shpehar/
This web page contains information about Croatian surname or family name ŠPEHAR. Anyone who knows anything about the origin of this surname or about the history of ŠPEHAR family may leave the message in the comment section of this page. Thank you!
Frequency in population of Croatia: 1.711 (258th Most Frequent)
I am wondering the name Spehar, could it have been at one time been Spegar? I am researching Spegar Cvijo my great-grandfather who was born somewhere in Dalmatia in 1847.
Spehar is my family name. Spegar is a different name altogether, most commonly originating in Serbia. Google shows up people in the United States with the name Spegar. Maybe you could contact them and see if they know anything more.
Hello Mr. Spehar,
My grandfather immigrated to Calumet, Mi, in 1890s. He had 6 children: Catherine, Eleanor, Paul, Douglas, Josef, Ralph and Samuel.
My father, Josef, adopted my sister and I.because my mother could not have children.
Nice to meet you.
Mary Ann
I would appreciate any information on people with the names Spehar and Skrtic (Skrtich)from the Karlovac region of Croatia, Generalski Stol in particular.
I was born there. What would you like to know.
Dear Mr. Spehar,
Please see my reply above. I’m not sure where my Grandfather was from, I remember when we first found out he wasn’t really German, we looked up the name of the town. It was a really long name without vowels. It wasn’t far from Medugorje. sp?
Mary Ann
I am Tomislav Špehar from Croatia..
My maiden name is Spehar. My grandfather Marko immigrated to the US in the 1890’s. HS wife was Monda Sears. I velieve they met in the US. I have been told he came from a village named Spehar, can you provide ant insights?
I plan on coming to Croatia in August next year. Any ideas of where I should search for relative Safety?
I’m sorry I don’t come on this site very often. I wonder if you know any Spehar or Skrtic folks from Generalski Stol. I am also looking for information on Obrovac and Baric from Slunj. Thank you.
Joe Spear
Hi not sure if any of you will see this, as it is a late reply. I am Skrtich, living in the US. My great-grandparents came to Ohio from Gerneralski Stol early-mid 1900s. They were Peter and Rosie Skrtich
My Spehar side of the family came from Cerovnik, Karlovac Croatia. My Grandfather’s first name was Tomo and he settled in Kansas. According to his marriage record his father’s name was Mike. I am sure that is the Americanized version to his name though. Would love help with any other information. Thanks, Donna
Mary Ann Spehar
was there a Josephine with any relationship to your family? My great grandfather also migrated to Calumet.
Jeffrey Spehar Here from Cleveland, Ohio. My fathers side parents came from Croatia. Adam Spehar was my Grandfather.
@ kathy august 2016. My Great Grand Mother was Monda Sears as well. She had 11 Children from Lewis Run PA. My Grandfather was Mellard.