Here is the list of Croatian surnames or family names that begin with the letter H (pronounced /h/). By clicking letters of the alphabet on the right side of the screen, you can access other surnames. You can access more information about each surname by clicking on a particular surname listed on the right side of the screen or by choosing a surname (family name) from the drop down menu:
Use the comment area (below) to post a surname which you think should be on the list, but isn’t.
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looking for family history
My family’s last name was Hliscic before coming to America. They settled in Youngstown, OH.
I a. A Haramia, Haramija my grandfather changed the surname to Harmia for our family, he was a Turina and Haramija from a Smrika p, Rejika area.
Looking for family from Slapno area.
surname Hariz
Do you have any information about the Henk family name?
My grandfather’s last name was Hegyi please add to list
My maternal grandfather’s surname is Horjan, and they’ve been in Hižakovec (Gornja Stubica) since the 1700s.
Looking for Harambasic.
Horjan from Hižakivec, Gornja Stubica.
Hrastić from the Kelemen, Varaždin area?
hrabric; she was the mother of margarita “mare” juranic, her first name was possibly dinke/dinka. she married a juranic. she was probably born around 1820. if anyone has any info please share, it’s much appreciated.
Looking for Hanz family members, Nevinac, Croatia