MILČIĆ /milchich/
This web page contains information about Croatian surname or family name MILČIĆ. Anyone who knows anything about the origin of this surname or about the history of MILČIĆ family may leave the message in the comment section of this page. Thank you!
Frequency in population of Croatia: 521
The MILČIĆ family name is most frequently found in these Croatian towns:
Karlovac (127), Ladvenjak near Karlovac (87), Zagreb (69) and Ivanec Bistranski near Zaprešić (26)
my great great grandfather was Ivan Milcic born in Ladvenjak my great grandfather was born in 1876 in Ladvenjak Croatia, My grandfather was a twin I think the1st name was Yanko (Elmer) and his twin name might have been Ivan (John) My grandfather also had another sibbling called Mary Anna born in September of 1904 all three were born in Ladvenjak, or Karlovac Croatia born in 1901or 1904 for Mary Anna . We will be coming to Croatia and would like to come to Ladvenjak to meet family. My Grandmoher’s family was also from Croatia. Yurkovich was her maiden name. She came to visit in the 1980’s and connected with family. Her’s and my Grandfathers. if anyone can help with information please email me at would love to hear from you and possibly visit if you would agree . My Grandmother also heard from family after the war started, not sure which side if it was Milcic or Yurkovich.