BAN /ban/
This web page contains information about Croatian surname or family name BAN. Anyone who knows anything about the origin of this surname or about the history of BAN family may leave the message in the comment section of this page. Thank you!
Frequency in population of Croatia: 2.818 (108th Most Frequent)
Looking for family surname BAN hrzenik Michola BAN
I am just beginning family research, and I believe I have a Great-Great Grandmother named Ivka Ban. She would have been born around 1863 in the area of Podgora.
Bostjan (Bozo) Ban married Maja Obradovic
My grandmother is Marija Ban, from Danave, Konavle and married
Jakov Milojevich (from Grab, Herzogovina) in Jackson, California.
What was Marija Ban’s father and mother’s given names?