BANIĆ /banich/
This web page contains information about Croatian surname or family name BANIĆ. Anyone who knows anything about the origin of this surname or about the history of BANIĆ family may leave the message in the comment section of this page. Thank you!
Frequency in population of Croatia: 1.848 (232nd Most Frequent)
Members of Banich family came to Slovenia – Town of Krsko – in the middle of 1500 and changed the name later to Vanic. As we were told they were of nobel blood and I Think in that case they were connected wit Banic family – Ban of Croatia.
Is there any old books from middle of 1500 maybe in the churches i Krapina, Oroslavje, Stenjevec or in this area that I could see?
Thanks for your answer, regards
Bozena Encinas
My grandmother’s maiden name was Banic. I just started doing some family research. If you have any more info, email me
My maiden name is Banic! My father was Steve Banic who came to US in 1913 at Age 27. He was naturalized on May 5, 1926 at age 40. He had to register for WWII draft until age 55. His older brother Michael Banic came 6 years prior. My father settled in Northern IN. and my Uncle Mike settled in Chicago, ILL. Worked on Railroad. My father farmed. He passed away at Age 83. We have Banic’s settled in Michigan, LaPorte, Indiana, Bourbon,Indiana. We have an annual Banic Family Reunion in Bourbon every year on the 1st Sat. in August. My sister Rose and I live in Tulsa and we just recently did some family history by creating an address book, which undertook nearly a year. It has been very helpful to all. My father came from Yasenovac,Croatia. My father had 3 brothers, 2 we have no history. The names are Pavao Banic and Ivan Banic. One Sister Marcia Banic (no further info on her). My father wrote to her, but I was just a child and didn’t know too many details. Interested to know more of your family, if you have the time.